Kwa heri CJ Mutunga, Good bye Justice in Kenya


JF-Expert Member
Feb 24, 2010
Wana jamvi, Leo ilikuwa ndo siku ya mwisho ya jaji mkuu wa kenya Ndugu Willie Mutunga kuwa ofisini. It was so emotional hasa pale alipokuwa anafanya clearance ikiwa pamoja na kurudisha bendera ya Taifa la Kenya kwa uongozi mwingine na kubadilisha plate number ya gari.
CJ Mutunga will be remembered for his defiance and radical activism which has earned him a respect in East Africa and entire Africa continent in particular. Mutunga alikuwa kiongozi bora na asiye yumbishwa na mtu yeyote, na hata government ya Kenya ilikuwa ikilalamika concerning most of his decision which at all did not favour the damn government.
Dr. Willy Mutunga announced during his retirement speech that he had accepted an appointment by the Secretary General of the Commonwealth, the Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland, QC, as a Commonwealth Special Envoy to Maldives, to try and bring the political leadership there together and to aid in the process of constitutional and political transition. His overriding mandate would be to support a sustainable political dialogue process leading to a stronger climate of pluralism and inclusive elections in 2018.

guys, could this be the begging of the end of independence of judiciary in Kenya?
he was a true patriotism with vision. i remeber they way he kicked the other lady who ( was it shorei)? he was a tough mzee
Alitoa hukumu ya kupinga matokeo ya urais kwa dakika tano bila maelezo ila kwenye kesi ya majaji wenzake hukumu imesomwa kwa masaa sita.

Pumbavu zake muache aende
Ati goodbye justice in Kenya? Your title is misleading.

Mkuu Dani5, i made a tricky title to see how many will comprehend and i guess you are the one..!! In respect to CJ Mutunga, the guy was so brilliant and not easy to intimidate. His retirement/departure leaves a room for miscarriage of justice. That's what the title insinuates....
Alitoa hukumu ya kupinga matokeo ya urais kwa dakika tano bila maelezo ila kwenye kesi ya majaji wenzake hukumu imesomwa kwa masaa sita.

Pumbavu zake muache aende

Katika hali yeyote ile kwa sisi wa mbari tulipoona mabunge yote mawili yamechukuliwa na jubilee tukajua kua ilikua ni ishara tosha kwenye hukumu uraisi. Kama angebatilisha matokeo nchi ingeingia katika mgogoro mkubwa sana. Suala la Majaji ameonyesha ukomavu mkubwa sana, akina Tunoi ndo wa kupuuza waliokua wanataka waendelee kukalia kiti hadi wafikishe 74 wakati sheria inasema waishie 70.
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