Kenya: Comment Section from a Youtube Video is killing me with laughter


JF-Expert Member
Jan 6, 2011
there is this video in youtube talking about top 10 african countries with most handsome men whereby the producer of the video has positioned tanzania in number 7 and kenya in number 4.

but some people were not satisfied with kenya picking number 4 and their comments are so hilarious.

Ha ha ha wakenya wanavituko sana sijawahi kumuona binti mkenya mrembo hata lupita na ubora wake huko marekani siwezi kumtongoza,
Kenya na Nigeria mnadeserve kuwa labda 70/71 out of 100 kweli mna upungufu wa handsome huo ndo ukweli mnafaa muanze kujichanganya na waethiopia, wasomali, watz , wanyarwanda at list generation inayokuja itakuwa na mvuto kidogo coz mna mashauzi alafu sura ngumuuuuu
Bob una wa promote wanaume wenzako kwamba ni ma hb ww jogoo hapandi mtungi nini?
Mtoto wa kiume hasifiwi uzuri nyie..fanyeni kazi waacheni hao kina onyango waongoze tu.
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