Je, kweli dunia ni duara?


JF-Expert Member
May 29, 2022
Leo nimekuja na swali langu kwa wana JF wale wa Earth is around, ninataka mnipe jibu la swali langu JE, DUNIA NI DUARA?

Kama dunia duara kitendo hiki kinaitwaje au kinaeababishwa na nini?

Je, dunia inazunguluka kama inazunguluka inakuwaje mpaka kikatokea kitendo hiki?

Je, shuleni uliwai kufundishwa juu ya kitendo hiki?

Mwisho kabisa kama Dunia sio duara unazani ni kwa sababu gani ukweli huu wa dunia kuwa sio duara unafichwa sana unazani una manufaa gani kwa wanaouficha au wanauficha kwa sababu gani..!?

Aya JF (HIGH IQ) tupieni madini.

Leo nimekuja na swali langu kwa wana JF wale wa Earth is around, ninataka mnipe jibu la swali langu JE DUNIA NI DUARA..!?

Kama dunia duara kitendo hiki kinaitwaje au kinaeababishwa na nini..!?

Je dunia inazunguluka kama inazunguluka inakuwaje mpaka kikatokea kitendo hiki..!?

Je shuleni uliwai kufundishwa juu ya kitendo hiki..!?

Mwisho kabisa kama Dunia sio duara unazani ni kwa sababu gani ukweli huu wa dunia kuwa sio duara unafichwa sana unazani una manufaa gani kwa wanaouficha au wanauficha kwa sababu gani..!?

Aya JF (HIGH IQ) tupieni madini.

View attachment 3157524

Below are the simplest reasons that prove that the Earth is round.

It turns out that we can test many of these reasons out for ourselves, too.
• If the Earth was flat, we would be able to look out and see very far, assuming that there were no buildings in the way. We could see another city that’s hundreds of miles away. Or a ship sailing out to sea. The boat would stay in view no matter how far out to sea it went.
However, if we look out when standing on the ground, we can’t see that far. We can’t look out into the distance and see a town that’s miles away. And a ship will slowly start to disappear from view as it gets farther away. This is because the Earth is round. Things in the distance are not visible because there is a curve to the landscape.

One way to test this is to watch the sunset. Find a spot where you can see the sunset, and also have a place close by where you can safely move higher, such as a tree or building. Or even start laying down and then stand up. On the ground, the sun will eventually disappear beyond the horizon. When this happens, quickly go to your higher spot. From there, you’ll be able to see the sun again for a brief time.
• You have probably seen that when the sun is out, it causes a shadow to form if it hits something. It turns out that we can use shadows as another piece of evidence that the Earth is round.

The fact that the sun sets at different times in different locations lets us know that the Earth is a sphere. Image by NASA.
If the Earth were flat, then shadows would be the same length, regardless of location. This would mean that the sun is hitting all places on Earth at the same angle, resulting in the same shadow. However, it turns out that this is not the case. If we were to place two identical sticks in the ground in two different places on Earth, we’d find that the length of their shadows differs. This is because the Earth is round, and so the way the sun hits each location will be a bit different.

• During a lunar eclipse, the Earth passes between the moon and the sun. When that happens, the sun projects Earth’s shadow onto the moon. When this happens, you can actually see the Earth’s shadow if you look up at the moon. If you do this, you’ll see that there is a round shadow, not a flat one.

A follow-up question might be whether the Earth could be flat and round, like a pancake. This would cause the shadow on the moon to be round, but the shape of the Earth to be flat. If the Earth were flat but rotating, its shape would be different for eclipses at different times of the day or night. Sometimes it would appear only as a line. The rest of the time it would appear like an oval or circle as it’s spinning. However, we know that the shadow the Earth casts on the moon during an eclipse has always been circular, regardless of time of day. This supports the idea that the Earth is a sphere.

These are just a few testable ways we know that the Earth is round.
You can also think of other ways that show the Earth is round and not flat

Pole sijapata muda wa kutafsiri ila kwa sababu na wewe umetumia hiyo lugha naamini utaelewa!
Below are the simplest reasons that prove that the Earth is round.

It turns out that we can test many of these reasons out for ourselves, too.
• If the Earth was flat, we would be able to look out and see very far, assuming that there were no buildings in the way. We could see another city that’s hundreds of miles away. Or a ship sailing out to sea. The boat would stay in view no matter how far out to sea it went.
However, if we look out when standing on the ground, we can’t see that far. We can’t look out into the distance and see a town that’s miles away. And a ship will slowly start to disappear from view as it gets farther away. This is because the Earth is round. Things in the distance are not visible because there is a curve to the landscape.
One way to test this is to watch the sunset. Find a spot where you can see the sunset, and also have a place close by where you can safely move higher, such as a tree or building. Or even start laying down and then stand up. On the ground, the sun will eventually disappear beyond the horizon. When this happens, quickly go to your higher spot. From there, you’ll be able to see the sun again for a brief time.
• You have probably seen that when the sun is out, it causes a shadow to form if it hits something. It turns out that we can use shadows as another piece of evidence that the Earth is round.

The fact that the sun sets at different times in different locations lets us know that the Earth is a sphere. Image by NASA.
If the Earth were flat, then shadows would be the same length, regardless of location. This would mean that the sun is hitting all places on Earth at the same angle, resulting in the same shadow. However, it turns out that this is not the case. If we were to place two identical sticks in the ground in two different places on Earth, we’d find that the length of their shadows differs. This is because the Earth is round, and so the way the sun hits each location will be a bit different.

• During a lunar eclipse, the Earth passes between the moon and the sun. When that happens, the sun projects Earth’s shadow onto the moon. When this happens, you can actually see the Earth’s shadow if you look up at the moon. If you do this, you’ll see that there is a round shadow, not a flat one.

A follow-up question might be whether the Earth could be flat and round, like a pancake. This would cause the shadow on the moon to be round, but the shape of the Earth to be flat. If the Earth were flat but rotating, its shape would be different for eclipses at different times of the day or night. Sometimes it would appear only as a line. The rest of the time it would appear like an oval or circle as it’s spinning. However, we know that the shadow the Earth casts on the moon during an eclipse has always been circular, regardless of time of day. This supports the idea that the Earth is a sphere.

These are just a few testable ways we know that the Earth is round.
You can also think of other ways that show the Earth is round and not flat

Pole sijapata muda wa kutafsiri ila kwa sababu na wewe umetumia hiyo lugha naamini utaelewa!
Also circumnavigation of the earth prove that the earth is a sphere, that why when some one move by maintain a same direction at a long distance at the end he or she turn on original position, this was proved on physical geography well.

Another reason nikuchomoka na kuzama kwa jua, jua Lina chomokea west linazama east , this is because of the earth rotation on its axis
Haya tunawaacha nyie wa chatgpt mshindane....

Mkotaka majibu mnajua pa kututafuta tupo kule miaka na miaka mpak sasa hakuna nyoko wowote wa kubisha bisha...

Nb: ukija kule intelligence hakikisha unakuja na dawa ya kuchua 😂😂😂
Below are the simplest reasons that prove that the Earth is round.

It turns out that we can test many of these reasons out for ourselves, too.
• If the Earth was flat, we would be able to look out and see very far, assuming that there were no buildings in the way. We could see another city that’s hundreds of miles away. Or a ship sailing out to sea. The boat would stay in view no matter how far out to sea it went.
However, if we look out when standing on the ground, we can’t see that far. We can’t look out into the distance and see a town that’s miles away. And a ship will slowly start to disappear from view as it gets farther away. This is because the Earth is round. Things in the distance are not visible because there is a curve to the landscape.

One way to test this is to watch the sunset. Find a spot where you can see the sunset, and also have a place close by where you can safely move higher, such as a tree or building. Or even start laying down and then stand up. On the ground, the sun will eventually disappear beyond the horizon. When this happens, quickly go to your higher spot. From there, you’ll be able to see the sun again for a brief time.
• You have probably seen that when the sun is out, it causes a shadow to form if it hits something. It turns out that we can use shadows as another piece of evidence that the Earth is round.

The fact that the sun sets at different times in different locations lets us know that the Earth is a sphere. Image by NASA.
If the Earth were flat, then shadows would be the same length, regardless of location. This would mean that the sun is hitting all places on Earth at the same angle, resulting in the same shadow. However, it turns out that this is not the case. If we were to place two identical sticks in the ground in two different places on Earth, we’d find that the length of their shadows differs. This is because the Earth is round, and so the way the sun hits each location will be a bit different.

• During a lunar eclipse, the Earth passes between the moon and the sun. When that happens, the sun projects Earth’s shadow onto the moon. When this happens, you can actually see the Earth’s shadow if you look up at the moon. If you do this, you’ll see that there is a round shadow, not a flat one.

A follow-up question might be whether the Earth could be flat and round, like a pancake. This would cause the shadow on the moon to be round, but the shape of the Earth to be flat. If the Earth were flat but rotating, its shape would be different for eclipses at different times of the day or night. Sometimes it would appear only as a line. The rest of the time it would appear like an oval or circle as it’s spinning. However, we know that the shadow the Earth casts on the moon during an eclipse has always been circular, regardless of time of day. This supports the idea that the Earth is a sphere.

These are just a few testable ways we know that the Earth is round.
You can also think of other ways that show the Earth is round and not flat

Pole sijapata muda wa kutafsiri ila kwa sababu na wewe umetumia hiyo lugha naamini utaelewa!
Hii si umetoa chat GPT ama hoja iliyotoka kichwani na umeifanyia research..!?
Leo nimekuja na swali langu kwa wana JF wale wa Earth is around, ninataka mnipe jibu la swali langu JE, DUNIA NI DUARA?

Kama dunia duara kitendo hiki kinaitwaje au kinaeababishwa na nini?

Je, dunia inazunguluka kama inazunguluka inakuwaje mpaka kikatokea kitendo hiki?

Je, shuleni uliwai kufundishwa juu ya kitendo hiki?

Mwisho kabisa kama Dunia sio duara unazani ni kwa sababu gani ukweli huu wa dunia kuwa sio duara unafichwa sana unazani una manufaa gani kwa wanaouficha au wanauficha kwa sababu gani..!?

Aya JF (HIGH IQ) tupieni madini.

View attachment 3157524
Kwani picha za wanaanga zinazoonyesha uhalisia wa dunia ikiwa duara, hujawahi kuziona ? Au unatuchosha na ubishi wa Elimu yako ya ahera.
hapo kuna nini cha kufanyia research? Mfano: Mtu akikuambia jua linatoka mashariki na kuzama magharibu unahitaji research gani?
Umeshasema jua sio kila jambo huchukuliwa unavyozania wewe kitu chochote chenye dhana mbili lazima kifanyiwe research mfano wapo wanaosema mungu yupo na wengine hayupo dunia duara na wengine tambarare kitu chochote chenye dhana 2 au zaidi kinajitaji research.. mfano uliotoa wewe ni sawa na kusema kitu ambacho binadamu wote wamekubariana nacho kuna Haja gani kusema hapana kufanya research kuwa binaadamu anahutaji chakula jibu sote tunajua anahitaji Ili aweze kuishi.. leta hoja ya msingi
Kwani picha za wanaanga zinazoonyesha uhalisia wa dunia ikiwa duara, hujawahi kuziona ? Au unatuchosha na ubishi wa Elimu yako ya ahera.
Hahahaha.. hiyo picha ya dunia wao waliipiga kutumia kifaa gani..!? Wameionesha..!? Kama wameonyesha kwa nini baadhi ya Wana anga wako na mawazo tofauti wenzao kwamba dunia si duara..!? Una maana hao wengine ni wajinga mpaka wanaamini hivyo..!? Leta hoja usilete maneno ya kuambiwa na vitu visivyokuwa na uhalisia hapa.
Hahahaha.. hiyo picha ya dunia wao waliipiga kutumia kifaa gani..!? Wameionesha..!? Kama wameonyesha kwa nini baadhi ya Wana anga wako na mawazo tofauti wenzao kwamba dunia si duara..!? Una maana hao wengine ni wajinga mpaka wanaamini hivyo..!? Leta hoja usilete maneno ya kuambiwa na vitu visivyokuwa na uhalisia hapa.
Wewe unapigwa picha na kifaa gani kama sio camera ? Lete ushahidi wa scientists wanaobishana kuhusu umbo la dunia. Je hao scientists ni wa mataifa na itikadi gani ?
Hahahaha.. hiyo picha ya dunia wao waliipiga kutumia kifaa gani..!? Wameionesha..!? Kama wameonyesha kwa nini baadhi ya Wana anga wako na mawazo tofauti wenzao kwamba dunia si duara..!? Una maana hao wengine ni wajinga mpaka wanaamini hivyo..!? Leta hoja usilete maneno ya kuambiwa na vitu visivyokuwa na uhalisia hapa.
ushahidi ni upi wa kuprove dunia ni flat
Mimi nimeuliza maswali nijibiwe nasi kuulizwa swali sababu hoja yangu hajajikitika kwenye earth is flat.. bali nahitaji kujibiwa hayo maswali yangu suala la kuuliza dunia ni flat litakuja after kujibiwa hayo maswali yangu
Watu wa flat earth wanapinga vitu vingi, kwamba hakuna satelite hakuna space, sasa sijui kwao hata wana amini dunia ilianzaje
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