Nowadays there are many avenues of earning money via the internet. Some are a scam while some are just. They come with big variations from the sportpesa millionaire to those earnig 50/= only in online print works. Today i bring you bitcoin mining.
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and a digital payment system invented by an unknown programmer, or a group of programmers, under the name Satoshi Nakamoto.It was released as open-source software in 2009. The prevailing blackmarket price for a bitcoins is $1500- $2000 per bitcoin
How to get started:- You can mine individually by accessing a custom made machine designed specifically to mine bitcoins. Such machines cost quite a fortune for their insane processing speeds but then, mining is done effortlessly. Or alternatively, you can join a mining group. with a mining group, you pool all your processing power to mine the bitcoins, which is what i want to offer you. You can start by joining this link
Instant Bitcoin Earning | Earn 1BTC 1 bitcoin per simple task job of few seconds online, 1 BTC = 1500$ So make upto 10 - 20 BTC daily to monthly ,its of a mining group where you can be directed on how to mine the bitcoins and register. but for you to get paid, it's best you open an electrum bitcoins wallet