Good News – Congress Vows to Continue Hillary Clinton Investigations


JF-Expert Member
Nov 6, 2009
It’s important to remember, just because Donald Trump finally defeated Hillary Clinton and effectively ended her political career, her past criminality hasn’t changed in any way, shape, or form.

Her private email scandal, mishandling of classified material, and pay-to-play schemed through the Clinton Foundation still happened, and she should be dealt with accordingly.

Thankfully, Congressman Jason Chaffetz agrees, vowing to continue his probe into the former presidential candidate’s actions!

Hillary Clinton may have lost the 2016 election, but she will still face investigations into her use of a private email server and an alleged “pay-to-play” scam at the Clinton Foundation, according to Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT).

“This is the largest breach of security, perhaps, in the history of the State Department,” Chaffetz said of Clinton’s alleged mishandling of state secrets.

He added that the committee is still looking into dozens of people in Clinton’s inner circle.

“We have perjury issues that we still want the Department of Justice to look at,” he explained.

He noted that the questions about a pay-to-play scandal involving the Clinton Foundation and Clinton’s State Department is a completely separate – and also ongoing – investigation.

When asked about his dogged pursuit of the truth behind Clinton’s actions, Chaffetz declared that it was his obligation and duty to continue the investigations.

“It’s this huge, massive mess that has to be cleaned up. So we would be remiss if we just dismissed it and moved on,” Chaffetz claimed. “We have a lot of things that we have to fix, so it never ever happens again.”

Read more: Hillary Thought it Was Over... Until the GOP House Announced This!
Who cares! Fortunately all republicants just like their president are mere frenetic political demagogues busy shooting themselves into their own feet that by the time the HC investigation is over trump shall long have been thrown out of office and the lawmakers back on the food stump.
Nilisema toka mwanzo kwamba, kitendo cha Clinton kutumia email yake binafsi kwa mambo ya kiofisi ilikua ni kosa na huenda lingemfanya asifae hata kugombea urais, lakini kwa kuwa mapenzi na ushabiki ulizidi taratibu na kanuni, haya yanaanza kuibuka. Tukiweka mbali content za zile emails, matumizi ya private email kwa shughuli za kikazi ni breach kubwa sana.

ushabiki infact ulikua ktk mainstream media kama bbc, cnn, msn na yahoo tu too bad nchi za kiafrika ndio source zetu kubwa, wamarekan walishamjua how evil she was long time no wonder wakampiga chini pamoja na ku play women card ktk election oooh cjui first female president alikua merely anatafuta sympathy na gender vote even that didn't work out for her alafu apa kwenye jukwaa kwa vile wengi wanapata habari za upande mmoja wanamshabikia hawamjui tu.

unaangalia cnn na bbc na reporting zao unaona kama vile trump hapendwi eeeh? tafuta news ktk vyanzo vingine sio mainstream media zilizokua pro democrat, majority of american wana mpenda trump for your information and what he do, kama unapata habari ktk media zile zile zilizokua zinasema hillary atashinda uchaguz kwa 80% cjui kama washakuja kuwaambia kwa nn walikua wrong baada ya trump ku record landslide victory!
The Trumpet alishinda electoral college vote lakini HC alishinda popular vote by no less than 3 million votes!
The Trumpet alishinda electoral college vote lakini HC alishinda popular vote by no less than 3 million votes!

What does it take to be US President? Bottom line, Trump is the president.
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