Burundi at crossroads


JF-Expert Member
Jul 26, 2012
May God have mercy on Burundi,
First, i would like say that what is happening in Burundi could happen elsewhere in the world.
And Africa to be precise.

The theatrical themes in Burundi are common to most of African countries; and worse enough prevalent through the vast reaches of Africa. Tribalism, Corruption, Gross violation of Human Rights and Mineral Curse are the winds of the day in Africa.
And neither Tanzania nor Ghana are spared from such potential storms.

There is an awful spectre of a bloody war looming at Burundi's doorstep.
And our beloved AU this time like never wants to do something about Burundi.
But i ask myself where does it get such moral authority to do so?
The body is full of the Mugabes, the Museveni, the Kagames and the likes (Men famously known for subverting the rule of law and trading on democracy)
How can the AU tell Burundi how to run her affairs?

This sudden Political Philanthropy from the African body makes the world wonder.
Lets face it people, Africa is a mess. And the people who are screwing up this beloved continent happen to be the top echelons of regional arrangements.
Whether its the E.A.C or SADC.

Some may brag that the denial initiated by the Burundian government could escalate more violence in Burundi. But forget the painful truth that Burundi was never at PEACE, even before the coming of Nkurunzinza Burundi was a cesspool of violence. It has never enjoyed a breathe of A fresh air since her independence.

I don't mock the efforts done by the AU,
I am a fan of AU and a staunch Pan African.
But when it comes to the aspects of democracy, good governance and the rule of law AU fails to demonstrate an example to be emulated.

Omar EL-Bashir is wanted for crimes against humanity, but we all witnessed what happened this year in South Africa. The arrest order was rejected with utmost impunity by the Zuma's government. No African leader took initiative to condemn the move.
Yes, we teach the West a lesson but forget that we shoot ourselves in a foot.
As Trump said " Africans are allergic to progress " it is a painful truth we have to embrace.
The major progress Africa needs for now is democracy, rule of law and fully enjoyment of human rights. These are the prospects of change in any society.
Until then everything human faculty would be developed at a full extent; Economic development would be inevitable.

When it comes to International Justice we unanimously yell Racism!!Racism and tend to forget that of all famous 8 cases brought before the ICC: Five of them were referred by the Africans themselves, two of them were referred by the United Nations Security Council and one by the Prosecutor himself.
On top of all the ICC operates under what is known as the Complementarity principle; this is to mean it picks up where the domestic courts have failed to prosecute.

I must admit,
The International justice system is only targeting African leaders.
Yes but most of the inductees are serious violators of international law.
A good example,the killings initiated by Taylor, Bashir, Kambanda or Kenyatta cannot be justified in any manner whatsover.

I would have blamed why the international criminal system doesn't deal with people like Bush or Blair for the serious crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan. But again they are just boys next door, they are not Africans.
I have to remove the log in my eyes before the speck in my neighbours eye.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
If we are not satisfied by the ICC then we should make efforts to strengthen the Human Rights court at Arusha. Enough is enough, today it is Burundi tomorrow it will be Tanzania or Kenya or even Uganda. God forbid!!

Back to Burundi,
Like it or not AU intervention Brigade is another useless waste of resources ;Its a charade either done to undermine the Burundian Government or African integrity at large.
Africans must have a critical outlook on this.
International Affairs need reciprocity, consensus and utmost good faith (Uberrima Fides)

The intervention will fail,
First, because the major stake holder of the conflict (Burundi) is being sidelined.
Remember even the UN has recently passed a resolution for PEACE in SYRIA. Such peace process includes ASSAD, the opposition and the international community.
Also in Columbia The Columbian Government, The FARC rebels and the International community have reached a very productive stage.

Africa must not commit a crime which was once done by the international community in Libya. Libyan government officials were denied access to the USA , the repercussion was that they ambassador never made to the UN Assembly. Just like that Libya got sidelined and we all know what is happening in Libya now.

Second, Unwillingness of the major Burundian ally (TANZANIA).
Rumour tells us the Increased Rwandan activities in the region especially in Congo DRC and Burundi have not left the gentlemen in Dar es salaam pleased.
Taking into consideration of how the Coalition of the Willing nearly undermined Tanzanian diplomatic and regional hegemony.

Therefore Dar es Salaam chose to remain in its passive aggressive response. As usual they are a neutral state and they value negotiations as the best way of settling international disputes.
Taking into consideration her diplomatic influence within the body there are a thousands reasons for the delay.

Third, under modern international law all peace keeping and Peace making operations must be in conformity with the United Nations Charter. That is to mean it has to be authorised by the United Nations Security Council. For peace keeping it has to be under Chapter 6 while peace making under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter.

Or the other way around is for the Burundian government to ask for troops from the AU to enter in her country even without the involvement of the security council. This also allowed by under international law particularly the UN resolution on friendly cooperation among states.

But until now the AU lacks all of the legal basis to enter Burundi, and unilateral intervention is not allowed under international law.
Some states under the veneer of humanitarian intervention my harbour hidden motives which transcends beyond helping the Burundian people.

A good example can be seen when Adolf Hitler invaded Czech-Slovakia in 1937 under the veneer of humanitarian intervention. This is a reason Modern International law prohibits unilateral intervention.

Fourth, the TCC (Troop contributing countries) also include the states which Burundi is accusing to have played the role in the distabilization of her country.
Its Rwanda and Uganda.
Apart from that TCC bears the Kaleidoscopic interests. And probably this will be one of the major operation to be conducted by AU forces in modern times so i solely doubt the experience they bear.
Even if they enter Burundi forcefully, it would be very hard to contain the situation since Nkhurunzunza also have a mojority support from the Hutu ethnic group.
It has to be known you cannot protect people who do not want to be protected.
This happened to the AMERICANS and THE SOVIETS in VIETNAM and AFGHANISTAN respectively.
Therefore the International Law Principle of Responsibility to Protect will be be more and more inert in a situation of Burundi.

After all being said,
Africa wishes to own her problem but she's too weak for now.
Countries pointing fingers must remove the logs in their eyes before the speck in Burundi's eye.

A. The AU at first must consult the United Nations Security council and put all necessary pressure to the organ to take quick initiatives for the situation.

B. African countries must also stop all of the Arms Scam in Burundi. Starting from the neighbouring Rwanda, Uganda, Congo DRC and Tanzania.
All these countries are Parties to the UNITED NATIONS ARMS TRADE TREATY of 2013 which prohibits illicit transfer of weapons for terrorist activities such as those happening in Burundi. The treaty imposes obligations on states to avoid such conglomerates.

C. AU under the aegis of the UNSC must create a probe team to look into all allegations concerning a neigbouring Rwanda and Uganda for their involvement with the conflict. And must be ready to issue severe measures if the report goes positive.

D. Freezing of the Burundian leaders foreign assets to show political disapproval.
This must be done to both the leaders in the government and the opposition who violate human rights, rules and customs of war.

Otherwise AU cannot force anything,
Burundi is a sovereign state and will forever be.
All countries must use all necessary means to avoid violence.
Its about time we take African lives seriously.

God Bless Burundi, God Bless Africa.
Nice analysis MALCOM LUMUMBA, you are exactly on point.
The first step in any conflict is to identify the parties concerned, bring them to the table and resolve the issue amicably, only when that fails should other strategies (including military ones) follow. In the case of Burundi, one part of the equation is Nkurunzinza's government. This side is ready for talks and has on numerous occasions called for whoever is conducting these terrorist attacks on Burundians to come to the table with no success. The other party is only concerned with destabilizing Burundi. If the AU was fair on this issue, it would have straight forward offer assistance to Nkurunzinza's forces to weed out the terrorists just like Russia is doing to Assad's government.
Its common knowledge that despite his shortcomings, Nkurunzinza and his party CNDD still command the support of the majority. This fact creates a big question: what Burundians is the AU serving? The conflict in Burundi is still confined to just certain parts of Bujumbura not even the whole city, and certainly not the whole nation. From where does the AU get this notion that Burundians need its military intervention? Who is the voice of Burundians at the AU and how representative of the nation are they? So i wonder which Burundians called on AU to send its army?
How is it possible for the AU to talk about intervention without identifying who the other party in the conflict, who by the way are heavily armed with military grade weapons, are skilled enough to dare attack military bases,...are? Without answering this question the AU will be fighting the legitimate government of Burundi on behalf of these 'unknown' terrorists.
The script is very easy to decipher. Burundian armies will have a hard time fighting the 'unknown' terrorists on one hand and protecting its sovereignty on the other by fighting the invading AU forces. It will lose. Not to mention that the majority of Burundians will not sit idle and watch their nation be reverted back to the ages of tutsi minority dictatorship. They will unfortunately take their frustrations out on innocent tutsi civilians. So at the end of the game, it will be said that the Hutu/the army had committed genocide, war crimes etc... then the international community will appoint another regime which you can bet a million dollar will be a minority tutsi one, this will force the remnants of the legitimate regime to go back to the forests.....

cc: MK254 vyuma
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Mkuu asante sana kwa andiko lililosheheni taaluma ya kutosha,afrika ya sasa inawahitaji watu wenye mawazo mapana na marefu kama haya. Umeandika kwa ushahidi wa kisheria na ki-mkataba, kwa binadamu yeyote mwenye akili, huruma ataelewa ulichokimaanisha.
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Mkuu hayo majeshi ya Africa yanafuata nini Burundi ? Burundi hakuna vita, kuna vurugu tu za wajinga wachache wanaoendeleza ukabila. Burundi nzima ipo na amani tele kabisa. Hebu tujiulize, hivi kwa nini AU inang'ang'ania kupeleka majeshi ya kulinda amani wakati hakuna vita huko ? Wakati wanakubaliana AU kupeleka majeshi Burundi haikuwa na wawakilishi, lakini museveni na kagame walikuwepo. Hao wawili unawajua walivyo na fitna ? Hima empire unaijua? Naomba niseme hivi, tena kwa herufi kubwa, ningekuwa na uwezo wa kuonana na nkurunziza ningemshauri awakusanye FD LR na ADF waanze mtanange na Kagame tena wahamie kwa Museveni ili kuziweka damu nzuri zenye kupenda amani nchini mwao, afrika na dunia nzima kwa ujumla. Kuendelea kuwepo madarakani kwa Kagame na Museveni afrika haitatulia kamwe !
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Mkuu Lumumba umenigusa saaana, ngoja ninywe kikombe cha kahawa kidogo - ntarudi kuchangia zaidi hapa ntatoa pre amble tu - BRAVO LUMUMBA.

Binafsi namuomba sana Balozi Mahiga apitie analysis yako iliyo kwenda shule, ili ajihami jinsi ya kuwa-corner walaghai wawili hatari katika Nchi za maziwa makuu and beyond, Balozi Mahinga anapaswa kutambua kwamba katika suala hili la Burundi AU inachezewa nakina M7 na PK na ukija upande wa EAC unamkuta Dk.Tibeza hao wote lao moja/well organised hasikudanganye mtu - hao ndio wanachochea kelele zote zinazo pigwa eti AU ipeleke majeshi Burundi bila kujali kama Serikali ya Burundi inahafiki au la as if Nkurunzinza sio Rais wa Nchi huru, kwanini AU haitumi an Independet tume ya kwenda kuchunguza kinacho endelea Burundi nzima na sio kutembelea viunga vya Bujumbura, wahoji watu vijijini waweze kujiridhisha kama kweli genocide ni imminent, si hilo tu hata wafanyakazi wa UN kwenye kambi za wakimbizi huko Rwanda wahojiwe ikibahinika kwamba Rwanda inahusika basi Viongozi wa Rwanda waburuzwe the Hague washugulikiwe kama Ntaganda, Head of State notwithstanding.

Narudia kusema tena kwamba Mzalendo Mahiga kutokana na uzoefu wake wa muda mrefu hasikubali kuyumbishwa na njama/hila za Museveni na Kagame hao ndio wanao pandikiza watu huko AU, UN, Balozi za Merikani na Ulaya kwa lengo la kueneza propaganda za kutunga tu ili Burundi ionekana inakaribia ku-commit genocide wakati hiyo si kweli, hizo ni mbinu walizo fanyia homework kwa lengo la kuweka Dunia roho juu ili wapate mwanya wa Kupenyeza utawala wa Kitutsi Burundi, siwasemi vibaya lakini lengo lao ndilo hilo tujaribu kuwa wakweli hapa - jaribu ku talk 2 Hon Mugabe awambie aliwahi kumuonya M7 kuhusu kitu gani - honestly mpigie simu Rais wa Zimbabwe msikie atatoa maoni gani - hawa watu si wakuchekea ni wanafiki na wachonganishi wakubwa, kukaa kwao madarakani kwa muda mrefu kumewajengea dhalau,viburi na jeuri - wote wako wired kutekeleza masuala ya HIMA EMPIRE na kibaya zaidi wana abudu u fashisti huo.

Watu hawa wanachukulia watu wote Africa including Viongozi wake hawana akili save Wahima wenzao - wana imani za ajabu sana, we fikiria M7 anajitia kimbele mbele eti yeye ndiye ana uwezo wa kusuruhisha Warundi yaani anamuona Nkuruzinza na Wahutu wenzake ni wajinga! Commander NKURUZINZA nasema hivi:Wala husijaribu kukanyage Uganda hachana na watu hawa - hawatufai hata kidogo, ukiona vipi basi omba msaada kutoka kwa PUTIN wa Tanzania,Zimbabwe au South Africa hakuna cha kushirikiana au kusuruhishwa na genge la C.O.W you know them better - don't U?
Nice analysis, however while we are locked into talks about morality of AU, legality of their proposed intervention, calls for consultations and whatnot, we must be cognizant of the fact that human beings are being butchered and the country is on the brinks of a genocide. I think it's extremely important to urgently get some boots down there and at all cost.

Burundi government can't be consulted on this, it's already an antagonist and must be kept at bay as well. Having soldiers going out on a killing spree of civilians and so indiscriminately, is gross violations of the constitution it's expected to guard and implement. We need a force that will ensure relative peace that will lead to negotiations and discussions.

Having boots on the ground is very wrong.
OK who do you think should contribute the boots on their ground.
malcolm LUMUMBA,

..Thank you for your well thought analysis about Burundi crisis.

..but in my humble opinion President Magufuli should not involve himself or the country in all matters related to conflicts in the great lakes region and elsewhere in Africa.

..instead I suggest that this President dedicates all his time and energies in tackling the chronic socio-economic problems that are facing our country.

.."Tanzania yenye viwanda" is what Magufuli promised the wananchi during the election campaigns. Watanzania walimchagua kufanya kazi hiyo na siyo kushughulika na mgogoro usiokwisha wa Warundi.

..Matatizo ya Burundi yalianza kushughulikiwa na Mwalimu Nyerere. Maraisi wote waliomfuatia pia walishughulika na mgogoro wa Burundi. Je, bado tunataka Raisi wa tano wa Tanzania ashughulike na matatizo ya Burundi?

cc Nguruvi3, MK254, ZeMarcopolo, MsemajiUkweli, Kimbunga, vyuma, mchambawima1
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..Thank you for your well thought analysis about Burundi crisis.

..but in my humble opinion President Magufuli should not involve himself or the country in all matters related to conflicts in the great lakes region and elsewhere in Africa.

..instead I suggest that this President dedicates all his time and energies in tackling the chronic socio-economic problems that are facing our country.

.."Tanzania yenye viwanda" is what Magufuli promised the wananchi during the election campaigns. Watanzania walimchagua kufanya kazi hiyo na siyo kushughulika na mgogoro usiokwisha wa Warundi.

..Matatizo ya Burundi yalianza kushughulikiwa na Mwalimu Nyerere. Maraisi wote waliomfuatia pia walishughulika na mgogoro wa Burundi. Je, bado tunataka Raisi wa tano wa Tanzania ashughulike na matatizo ya Burundi?

cc Nguruvi3, MK254, ZeMarcopolo, MsemajiUkweli, Kimbunga, vyuma, mchambawima1
malcom lumumba we Africans are facing a leadership crisis. there are no any initiatives to overcome the same looking at the ICC allegations posed by our misleaders you can realise the crisis we are in, African leaders themselves were more active in the establishment of the court and no wonder many african countries are party to the Rome satute and yet are blaming the court of their own creation, at first their demand was on having a black African prosecutor to head the court, we expected the appointment of bensuda would make them shut their mouth, but still the allegations are underway racism and political inferiority being its back cloth.
The burundi saga calls for international intervention but no one whether at individual,national regional or continental level cares.

JokaKuu Kauli kama hizo zako naziona selfish sana, ifahamike kadiri mtazidi kuwafumbia macho hao Warundi ndivyo watazidi kuwa jipu kubwa kwenu. Sasa hivi wanaendelea kufurika Tanzania tena kwa malaki. Na hao wanaokuja, baadhi yao walizoea kupigana na kutumia mabunduki, hivyo ni majambazi potential. Na zaidi itachangia uingizaji wa silaha hatari ndani ya nchi yenu.

Kenya tulijifunza na haya ya Wasomali. Kwa miaka nyingi tulijizuia kuingilia ugomvi wao na tukaendelea kuwahifadhi wakimbizi wao kwa mamilioni, lakini hatimaye ikatuponza na sasa tupo huko kwao kuhakikisha utulivu.

Burundi kwa sasa lazima jeshi litumike kuwalainisha.
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..lakini nimeeleza kwanini this time inabidi wa-Tz tuwe "selfish."

..mgogoro wa Burundi umeshughulikiwa na maraisi wote wa Tanzania--Nyerere,Mwinyi,Mkapa, na Kikwete. What do we have to show, kwa jitihada zote hizo?

..Ndiyo maana napendekeza austerity measures anazo-implement Raisi Magufuli ktk matumizi ya serikali zielekezwe pia ktk mambo yenye historia ya kutokuwa na matokeo mazuri kama usuluhishi wa mgogoro wa Burundi.

..Fedha ambazo zingetengwa ku-facilitate mazungumzo ya Warundi ni afadhali zikanunue vitanda na mashuka ya wagonjwa wanaolala sakafuni ktk hospitali zetu.

..Kuhusu suala la wakimbizi serikali isiruhusu tena makambi ya wakimbizi nchi hii. Badala yake in this particular case ilazimishe UNHCR wafungue makambi ya wakimbizi ndani ya ardhi ya Burundi.

..Mwisho, mgogoro wa Somalia ni tofauti na mgogoro wa Burundi. Kwa msingi huo sitegemei mgogoro wa Burundi kutuathiri wa-Tz kwa jinsi ile mgogoro wa Somalia umewaathiri wa-Kny.


..Magufuli ajielekeze kutimiza ahadi zake alizotoa kwa wa-Tz, siyo kutumia muda na rasilimali chache za wa-Tz kutatua migogoro isiyokwisha ya nchi za maziwa makuu.

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Mkuu joka kuu ni kweli kabisa Rais ashughulike na mamno ya ndani mwa nchi, arekebishe mambo na kama kuna lolote huko nje basi Dr. Mahiga atosha. Gogoro la Burundi limekuwa kero hadi Mwl. Nyerere alifariki akiwa na dukuduku na mgogoro wa Burundi.
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Mkuu kwa taarifa yako, ili kuthibitisha kuwa Kagame anahusika sana na mgogoro wa Burundi na kupandikiza vurugu zisizopo, wapinzani wamepitia Kigali kwa Kagame awaambie nini cha kufanya na kuzungumza maana ndie mfadhili wao. Waliokwenda Kigali jana ni Leonce Ngendakumana na Pierre Buyoya ili mfadhili aamue na awape maelekezo ya kufanya Kampala.
Katika mambo makubwa aliyofanya Nyerere katika Taifa letu ni kuondoa uchifu, kuchanganya watu na kufuta elements zinazoweza kuwagawa wananchi. Huo ni ukweli.

U-chief uli-encourage narcissism and grandiosity hence ethnicity
Ndani yake kuna element za udini na ukabila. Mwalimu alizifuta kwa kuona tatizo mbeleni

Nyerere akatumia rasimali nyingi kuchanganya watu wafungamane. Ilikuwa kawaida mwanafunzi wa mkoa mmoja kwenda kusoma mkoa mwingine na kupangiwa kazi sehemu nyingine.
Hili liliwafanya watu waoane na kuoleana na hivyo kuondoa ile barrier kwamba fulani ni bora zaidi

Tatizo la ethnicity linakuwepo katika mioyo kwa muda mrefu sana.
Tumeona hata nchi za Ulaya bado hali hiyo ipo. Tunashuhudia Zanzibar ambako kuna zile hisia za rangi n.k.

Inapotokea kukawa na 'provocation' kidogo, watu wanasahau kabisa provocation wanarudi kwenye zile feelings zao za ukabila , udini n.k. Ndicho tunachokiona Burundi.

Tatizo la Uhutu na Utusi lipo siku nyingi , leo linazungumziwa zaidi kuliko kilichosababisha kurudi kwakwe.
Tunaona kutupiana Lawama kati ya Kagame, Museveni n.k. kwasababu tu, ile asili ya uhutu na utusi ipo ndani ya mioyo ilikuwa inasubiri tu 'provocation'

Aliyesababisha hayo ni Nkurunziza si kwasbabu ya ukabila bali kutaka kubaki madarakani kwa kutoheshimu katiba

Ni tatizo kubwa sana Afrika. Viongozi hawataki kuachia madaraka , watazua sababu kuondoa umma katika hoja ya msingi

Tunaposhindwa kuheshimu katiba, wajanja wanatuondoa katika ukweli na kutupeleka wanapotaka kama Nkurunzinza anavyopfanya. Hivyo, Uhutu na Utusi sioni kama tatizo kwa leo, tatizo ni kutoheshimu katiba.

Kwa upande mwingine, nashangaa AU. Kwanini hawakumwingilia Mugabe?

Kwa Tanzania, nina shaka, kwanini walikwenda kumondoa Mohamed Banka kule Comoro? Hakuna double standard?
Mkuu hiyo binafsi naichukulia kama ni a blessing in disguise, vitendo hivyo ndio vinamu-expose mchana kweupe kwamba yeye ndie the brains behind the turmoil in BURUNDI. Viongozi wa Kiafrica wanapaswa kumu-confont headon wakiwa na undeniable ushahidi kutoka kwa wafanyakazi wa UN kwenye kambi za Wakimbizi huko Rwanda na huu wa kuwaita Wahima wenzake huko Rwanda kuwapa strategy za kuendeleza machafuko - African leaders wasipo mpa onyo kali PK mapema iwezakanavyo wakimlazia damu atakuja huko mbeleni atakuja kusababisha machafuko/vita ndani ya Africa Mashariki na Kati don't U underrate PK yeye ni a formidable STRATEGIST ma mpenda mapigano kama njia ya kufikia malengo yake he can't take NO 4 an answer, African leaders hilo wanapaswa kulizingatia wanapo deal na watu kama PK na M7 - African leaders wamwambie PK ahache kujingiza katika masuala ya ndani ya Taifa la Burundi- alezwe kwamba they mean business,asifikiri ana ubavu wa kushindana/pigana na nchi za SADC.
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Good observation mr. Malcom Lumumba, though your analysis lacks legal back-up and precedence to support your arguments...! I don't want to believe what i see especially from respected scholars in this platform and their argument/opinion about Burundi and AU interventions in de javu. All in all, i can see a growing trend of people lodging their submission based on their emotions rather than facts.....and that's bad!! with that preamble above, let us come to the Business...
  1. Keep reminded that, AU has mandate to intervene on the ongoing situation in Burundi and this is drawn from its commitments to guarantee peace, security and tranquility in the Region. Burundi, being the signatory of AU treaty is binded by Article 4(J) of the treaty which require the AU to intervene in case of war crime or crime against humanity...the article provides that, AU shall have the right of the Union to intervene in a Member State pursuant to a decision of the Assembly in respect of grave circumstances, namely war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity....Also, in sub-article K, stipulates that, the right of Member States to request Intervention from the Union in order to restore peace and security, in accordance with Article 4(j) of the Constitutive Act...
    From that perspective, we now see the justification of AU of sending peace keepers in Burundi and it is all about the agreement forming AU of which Burundi adhered to implement and respect........And the question is, don't they remember about signing the treaty? However, concerning peace and tranquility in Burundi is also the obligation of EA community, leave alone the AU. for instance, article 5(3)(F) of the East African treaty provides for common objectives of which Burundi among 5 member states agreed to. for example, the article read that; Community shall ensure the promotion of peace, security, and stability within, and good neighbourliness among, the Partner States...., thus, its not only AU duty to deploy peace keepers or stabilizing peace in Burundi...BUT it starts with EAC...

  2. what is happening in Burundi is another disrespect of democracy and Crime against humanity...and AU have obligation to intervene by either having permission or without permission and its all legal....! Remember the Slobodan Milošević of former yugoslavia...He was terrorizing his own people, just like what Nkurunziza does...But NATO said enough is enough, they redeemed people of KOSOVO and hope it will never be the same again....!However, UN remain with One role of responsibility to protect and prevention of genocide.(Resolution adopted by the General Assembly in 2005) where it was agreed that UN shall protect and prevent genocide and work to install sustainable democracy in a member state. Thus, through this interpretation, AU has impliedly right to intervene in Burundi even without consultation from UN security council..
  3. Tanzania not willing to intervene/help Burundi....The answers vary depending on who has to make a point...! BUT i guess there is no clear and evident answer beyond reasonable doubt as to why TZ is not helping Burundi...and not suprised to hear that, Burundi and Tanzania were sidelined and isolated by Nyangau (cow) and in retaliation, Burundi seems loyal and a big brother to Tanzania....Once again this is a blasphemy and only a lame can buy it....!!

    Way forward
    without prejudice to the opinions and submissions of distinguished colomnist, Burundi stand in a point of help from international community particularly AU. It is high time for AU to prove its existence and act to resolve the crisis and stop the carnage impeding Burundi. God Bless Burundi
Mkuu i understand that many Tanzanians of your age are weary of Tanzanian foreign policy,
But we cannot cling on Isolation Policy whilst the Current E.A.C chairman is the URT President.
How do you explain that?

..our President should not assume the chairmanship of E.A.C.

..There are so many pressing domestic issues to be addressed, EAC chairmanship will be a distraction to President Magufuli at this time.

..Rwanda did not assume EAC chairmanship in the year that there were commemorating 20 year of their liberation after genocide. How come they were not accused of pursuing an isolation foreign policy?

..All former Tanzanian Presidents dealt with Burundi peace process, and there is nothing to show for their involvement. It is time tuache mataifa mengine yashughulike na mgogoro wa Burundi.
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