6 Effective Ways To Answer Your Salary Expectations In Job Interviews

Mr What

JF-Expert Member
Oct 22, 2016

Bryan Robinson, Ph.D.
author of Chained to the Desk in a Hybrid World: A Guide to Balance.


Apr 21, 2024,06:00am EDT
Job applicants having interview.

Knowing how to negotiate your salary before a job [+]GETTY
Let’s face it. Job interviews are taxing, and stress and anxiety can interfere with a good performance. There’s so much to remember before and during a job interview: your appearance and attitude, how you think, feel and what you say—all of which are important. Still, questions might circle your mind like a school of sharks. What will the interview be like? Who will conduct it? Will I be able to be on the top of my game?

Career experts recommend that job candidates anticipate, prepare and strategize for potential questions. One of the most nerve-wracking questions is, “What are your salary expectations?” At some stage in the hiring process, 57% of employers question candidates about their salary expectations, according to PayScale. Experts have found ways that you can pitch the answer to boost your chances of landing the salary you’re looking for and deserve. So it’s important to prepare an answer.

Six Guidelines To Respond to Salary Questions​

Resume Genius interviewed a panel of HR and career experts and compiled six recommendations on how job hunters can respond to potential employers regarding salary expectations:

1. Know your worth before the interview. Career experts underscore the importance of having a solid understanding of your worth in the job market. This awareness takes practice, and it starts before you walk into an interview. In fact, some say it starts as soon as you submit your application, so you can avoid being undervalued or having unrealistic expectations. Providing detailed examples of your successes before an interview and being prepared to expand on the information in your resume and cover letter will ensure you have a game plan for succeeding in a salary negotiation.

“Going into an interview or negotiation without a solid understanding of typical salary ranges for the role, your skillset and your geographic area is going to set you up for failure,” warns Travis Lindemoen, founder of Enjoy Mondays. He suggests you can demonstrate your value and achievements in the resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile. Quantifying your contributions early on can significantly influence salary negotiations, according to Kolby Goodman, career coach and candidate experience expert at The Job Huntr, adding, “The salary your next employer is willing to pay you is in direct correlation to the kind of impact they think you’re going to be able to make.” The career specialists advocate that job seekers prepare for salary discussions by researching salary comparison websites like Payscale, Glassdoor and Indeed.
2. Redirect the question back to the interviewer if necessary. During interviews, redirecting questions about salary expectations can keep the focus on your qualifications. The career experts cite three strategies to politely deflect from immediately answering with their salary expectations:

  • “Thank you for bringing this question up. I’d love to know the approved salary range for this role.”
  • “Thanks, I appreciate your question about my salary expectations. To ensure we’re aligned, could you please provide the salary range you’re considering for this position?”
  • “Thank you for asking. I’m keen to understand how my experience and skills align with your compensation structure. Could you outline the salary range or budget this role falls within?”

3. Leverage your skills and past performance when the salary range is shared. When presented with a salary range during an interview, experts advise that you focus on positioning yourself optimally for when an offer is extended by emphasizing how your skills and impact uniquely contribute to the company's success. Dominique Vatin, career expert at CV Genius, suggests aiming for the higher end of the salary range, if you can provide good reasoning. “If you’re new to the field, don’t automatically assume you should position yourself at the low end of a salary range,” Vatin insists.

4. Give a salary range if the interviewer insists. Entering interviews prepared with your salary bottom line is crucial, the experts state. If the interviewer persists in asking for your salary expectations, offer a carefully researched range to manage expectations. John Goodison, senior manager of talent acquisition at the University of Phoenix, advises linking your expectations to the experiences you’ve had, suggesting a range slightly higher than your target salary: "If you aim for $80,000, suggest a range between $80,000 and $90,000." Senior hiring manager at Resume Genius, Geoffrey Scott, suggests a direct approach for seasoned professionals: "Only if you’re extremely experienced and confident that you can find other opportunities would I say it’s acceptable to provide a specific figure based on your expertise and skill set."
5. Avoid sharing previous salaries during the hiring process. Authorities advocate that you not disclose previous salaries to prospective employers. They believe doing so could lead to offers based on outdated figures and potentially undervalue your worth. Instead, experts emphasize focusing on discussing your salary expectations based on industry standards and the responsibilities of the role. Career specialists encourage job hunters to familiarize themselves with salary history bans in their area and politely decline to share a previous salary if asked, offering examples like these:

  • “At this point, I’m not comfortable sharing my previous salary, but I’m more than willing to discuss my salary expectations for this role, considering its responsibilities and industry standards in regards to my experience and skill set.”
  • “From my research, I’ve found that roles with similar job responsibilities and experience levels typically offer compensation in the range of [insert range]. I’m aiming for a salary that reflects the value I can bring to this role.”

6. Show a willingness to discuss the numbers openly and negotiate. After you have received a tentative or official job offer, it's not only anticipated but also wise to initiate salary negotiations, says Nicole Griffin, talent acquisition leader at Korn Ferry. She explains that negotiation is a logical next step after receiving a job offer, contrary to fears of offer withdrawal. Griffin advises approaching negotiations collaboratively if the initial offer falls short: “Thank you so much for the offer, I was really hoping for a number closer to X based on my understanding of the role. What can we do to close the gap?” Vatin suggests addressing competing offers with grace: “I’m currently interviewing for roles in the X and Y range. However, I understand this may not be within your budget at this time. Is there any flexibility on the overall compensation package to bridge this gap?”

A Final Takeaway​

Remember who you are, throw modesty out of the window and, without boasting, represent yourself in the best possible light. “In job interviews, only you can champion your worth and the salary you aim for,” notes Eva Chan, Resume Genius career expert. “Your most persuasive advocate is yourself, so work on mastering your salary talk. Being prepared and confident in your value is what’s going to pave the way for successful salary negotiations.”

Bryan Robonson, PHD

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