Good day, fellows. In these times of technological change, whoever in business and white-collar jobs not aware of the incoming 4th Industrial Revolution and the Web3 issues is wasting time. These changes are bringing digital money, new approaches to technology and understanding of business. Unfortunately, there are also many scammers and fraudsters like in crypto currencies and the so called easy ways to earn money (let's not lie to ourselves, nobody sells gold for the price of a chicken, and nobody can multiply your investment every week unless is a scam or a criminal).
Interestingly, with the Web3 different ideas are coming. What if we have tokens and cryptos which are real, useful and long term profitable? What if these programs are not based on words and air, but on real people and real issues?
In Tanzania, in Africa, we need e-commerce platforms which help us to trade between different territories without the high bank costs, and less barriers. The digital economy tries to do that. And now, there is an interesting product, the project called BlockchainValley ( an e-commerce platform where e-citizens and e-business will, in the near future trade, share and build. And this platform has an interesting thing: the first (that we know) UTILITY token recognised by a G7 country, with real people behind, and real utilities being created. So we invite you to browse the page, and if you want, AFTER reading the Information Document there, you can go and browse the launching platform called
Blockchain Valley where you can purchase tokens (at 0.64 cents of euro) in an Offering Sale allowed by the French Market Authorities until the 26th of July.
So, in short, you have a platform, a token, an utility token and a sale offering where proper KYC is done, with the French Market Authority auditing the sale, and a proper calendar of token distribution to avoid dump and pump in the first two years after the sale.
Even more, you can get your referral number just for registration and use the referral code to invite prospective investors. You will get five 4IR tokens per individual or company which uses your referral number, and rewards starting at 34 4IR tokens if the people or companies referred by you invest a minimum of 100€ in €, BTC or ETH.
Before you dismiss this, think, and ask. Imagine you get 10 referrals on your name and they invest you get minimum of 340 tokens. Multiply by 0.64€... and when the token is launched after the Offering Sale, potentially the price goes up... imagine it goes up to 1 euro, do your own maths.
Please read the link up from the press. Go to the website link... register, is free. And if you wish to invest (there is no minimum) proceed with a seamless KYC and purchasing where you will be helped either in Kiswahili or English.
If you have any question, ask. Any doubt, ask. Our email is
We will be posting more here depending on your answers to clarify everything. We don't sell gold, we don't sell empty air. We offer a good possibility of, middle and long term, make possible you get another source of income starting now.
Are you ready for the challenge?