Here are 10 things you may not know about the first born child.
1) They have leadership traits. they learn to take a lead when other siblings coming and this help them in their later in their life's journey.
2) first born pave a way to their other sibling, they are seen as a role model, that is why parent usually discipline their fast born when they do something wrong because they believe that their other siblings will also follow the steps of the first born.
3) first born are tend to be caring because they have be trained to take their sibling as their responsibility.
4) first born are good advisers. Since they have are more experience than their other sibling , they tend to guide and give their sibling a good advise on how to handle life and its challenges.
5) First born are obedient first born are more likely to be obedient to their parent that other siblings.
6) First borns are hardworking. They have learned to take responsibility at a very tender age. this make them to be more hardworking and more independent than other siblings
7) They are givers.
they are givers as they cheerfully give out their love, care to thier loved ones and their families.
8) They have charisma. they are easily loved by their siblings and people around them because they are well mannered.
9) They are selfless. First borns have been trained to be selfless. They make their siblings' and parents' welfare come first before their welfare.
10) They are protective. most first borns are very protective of their siblings and parent. they are ready to go as far to make sure their family is secure