Nicolás Maduro Moros (Spanish: [nikoˈlas maˈðuɾo ˈmoɾos] ; born 23 November 1962) is a Venezuelan politician and the president of Venezuela since 2013.
Beginning his working life as a bus driver, Maduro rose to become a trade union leader before being elected to the National Assembly in 2000. He was appointed to a number of positions under President Hugo Chávez, serving as President of the National Assembly from 2005 to 2006, as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2006 to 2013 and as the vice president from 2012 to 2013 under Chávez. After Chávez's death was announced on 5 March 2013, Maduro assumed the presidency. A special presidential election was held in 2013, where Maduro was declared the winner with 50.62% of the vote as the United Socialist Party of Venezuela candidate. He has ruled Venezuela by decree since 2015 through powers granted to him by the ruling party legislature.
Shortages in Venezuela and decreased living standards led to a wave of protests in 2014 that escalated into daily marches nationwide, repression of dissent and a decline in Maduro's popularity. An opposition-led National Assembly was elected in 2015 and a movement toward recalling Maduro began in 2016, which was ultimately cancelled by Maduro's government; Maduro maintained power through the Supreme Tribunal, the National Electoral Council and the military. The Supreme Tribunal removed power from the elected National Assembly, resulting in a constitutional crisis and another wave of protests in 2017. As a response to the protests, Maduro called for a rewrite of the constitution, and the Constituent Assembly of Venezuela was elected in 2017 under voting conditions that many concluded were irregular. On 20 May 2018, presidential elections were held; President Maduro was sworn in on 10 January 2019 with widespread condemnation, and the president of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, was declared interim president on 23 January 2019 by the opposition legislative body—kicking off a presidential crisis that spanned nearly four years and divided the international community.
Maduro has been described as an autocrat and a dictator by Western authors. Between 2013 and 2023, Venezuela dropped 42 places in the Press Freedom Index. According to estimations by the United Nations (UN) and Human Rights Watch, under Maduro's administration, more than 20,000 people have been subject to extrajudicial killings and seven million Venezuelans have been forced to flee the country. The UN Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela concluded that the country's justice system independence has been deeply eroded; the mission also identified frequent due process violations, including political external interference and the admission of evidence through torture. Most Venezuelan television channels are controlled by the state, and information unfavorable to the government is not covered completely. In 2018, a Board of Independent Experts designated by the Organization of American States (OAS) found that crimes against humanity have been committed in Venezuela during Maduro's presidency. Since 2020, a reward for up to 15 million dollars was established by the USA for information leading to his arrest and/or conviction. In 2021, the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced the opening of an investigation regarding the situation in the country.
Serikali ya Marekani imetenga dau la $25M kwa yeyote atakayesaidia au kufanikisha kukamatwa kwa Rais wa Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro kwa makosa ya ugaidi wa dawa za kulevya(Narco- terrorism).
Serikali ya Marekani inamtuhumu Maduro na viongozi kadhaa waandamizi wa Venezuela kufanikisha, kuchochea...
Kila baada ya muda fulani nchi ya Marekani huwa inafanya mambo ambayo yanazidi kuishushia hadhi nchi hiyo.
Mambo hayo ni yale inayoyapinga kufanywa na wenzake.
Inaua sana kila nchi lakini wengine wakifanya hivyo huitwa magaidi.
Leo imeteka ndege ya raisi mzima wa nchi ya Venezuela kisingizio...
Jana matokeo ya uchaguzi yalipotoka ilitangazwa kuwa Nicolás Maduro ameshinda tena kiti cha uraisi nchini Venezuela. Akimshinda mpinzani wake Edmundo González ambaye anaungwa mkono na Marekani.
Viongozi wa mataifa ya Magharibi wameonyesha kutofurahishwa na matokeo hayo. Huku vyombo vya habari...
Kufuatia matokeo ya uchaguzi yaliyompa ushindi Rais wa Venezuela Nicolas Maduro maelfu ya wananchi wameyapinga na kuzua vurugu katika jiji la Caracas.
Hasira za umma ziliongezeka baada ya baraza la taifa la uchaguzi CNE Jumatatu kutangaza rasmi kuwa Maduro alichaguliwa tena na wapiga kura wengi...
Mkuu wa Baraza la Kitaifa la Uchaguzi (CNE), Elvis Amoroso - ambaye ni Mshirika wa karibu wa Maduro amesema kwa 80% ya kura zilizohesabiwa, Rais Maduro alikuwa na 51.20%
Mpinzani wake Mkuu, Edmundo González anatajwa kupata 44.02% ya Kura zote, huku Upinzani ukisema alipata 70% na ndiye Rais...
Ripoti ya Umoja wa Mataifa imemtaja Rais Nicolás Maduro kuhusika na kuagiza vyombo vya usalama kutekeleza unyanyasaji dhidi ya wakosoaji kwa lengo la kufuta kabisa upinzani nchini humo.
Maduro na kiongozi wa chama tawala cha PSUV, Diosdado Cabello wametajwa kutoa amri kwa Idara za Kijasusi...
The US has charged Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro and other senior officials in the country with drug trafficking crimes.
The move, which will increase tensions between the two nations, was announced by Attorney General William Barr.
The US also offered a $15m (£12.5m) reward for any...
Rais wa Venezuela amenusulika katika jaribio linalosemekana la kutaka kumuua kwa kutumia drone device, wakati akihutubia mkutano mjini Caracas. Rais Maduro hakupata madhara yoyote katika tukio hilo ingawa wanajeshi saba waliumia.
Television ya Taifa ilionyesha hotuba ya Rais ikikatishwa ghafla...
Afrika iliishindia Ufaransa kombe la Dunia, na Ulaya inafaa kusitisha ubaguzi dhidi ya wahamiaji kulingana na rais wa Venezuela Nicolas Maduro.
Akizungumza katika mji mkuu wa Caracas, chombo cha habari cha kitaifa kilimnukuu akisema.
Paul Pogba asherehekea na wenzake baada ya kufunga bao...
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