The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the federal government of the United States, tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world, primarily through the use of human intelligence (HUMINT). As one of the principal members of the United States Intelligence Community (IC), the CIA reports to the Director of National Intelligence and is primarily focused on providing intelligence for the President and Cabinet of the United States.
Unlike the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which is a domestic security service, the CIA has no law enforcement function and is mainly focused on overseas intelligence gathering, with only limited domestic intelligence collection. Though it is not the only agency of the Federal government of the United States specializing in HUMINT, the CIA serves as the national manager for coordination of HUMINT activities across the U.S. intelligence community. Moreover, the CIA is the only agency authorized by law to carry out and oversee covert action at the behest of the President. It exerts foreign political influence through its tactical divisions, such as the Special Activities Center.Before the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, the CIA Director concurrently served as the head of the Intelligence Community; today, the CIA is organized under the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). Despite transferring some of its powers to the DNI, the CIA has grown in size as a result of the September 11 attacks. In 2013, The Washington Post reported that in the fiscal year 2010, the CIA had the largest budget of all IC agencies, exceeding previous estimates.The CIA has increasingly expanded its role, including covert paramilitary operations. One of its largest divisions, the Information Operations Center (IOC), has shifted focus from counter-terrorism to offensive cyber-operations.
Huko Marekani Trump anataka wafanyakazi wote wa shirika la ujasusi la Marekani(CIA) waondoke atawalipa miezi 8 bure ili aajiri upya, wengi wanasema anataka kuajiri watu MAGA tu katika serikali nzima katika taasisi zote! Marekani imeharibika sana, imekuwa kama kinyago cha mpapure.
Huyu kanali wa US anatoa siri kuwa US kupitia CIA waliwatumia wa Uyghurs katika jimbo la Xinjiang ili kuiharibu China kwa ndani utokee mvurugano ili waweze kuidhibiti China.
Pia anasema wanatumia military power kuharibu mpango wa China wa B.R.I pia kagusia suala la US kupeleka majeshi...
Taarifa za siri za CIA za miaka ya 1953 zinaonyesha kwamba shirika hilo liliamini kwamba baada ya Wakoloni Waingereza kuondoka Tanganyika, mtu aliyepaswa kukabidhiwa nchi alikuwa ni kiongozi wa Wachaga Thomas Mariale.
(Soma kielelezo cha nyaraka hiyo chini ya CIA)Lakini katika nyaraka za...
Rais Tinubu wa Nigeria ni jasusi la CIA. Kanunuliwa, yuko mfukoni.
Nimesikitika, nimeshangaa, nikakasirika, halafu nikaisikitikia Mama Afika.
Sikiliza na uone tulivyo bado watumwa.
Kabla sijaanza na mada itabidi kwanza nielezee kwanza maana na baadhi ya vitu kBL sijatoa experience yangu ndani ya mijengo ya FBI na later kwenda CIA nchini marekani.
Kwa wenzetu:
Usalama wa taifa ni taaluma inayohusu ukusanyaji , uchambuzi na uwakilishaji wa...
Operation Northwood Ni false flag operation ya kijeshi iliyopangwa na wizara ya ulinzi ya marekani kwa kushirikiana na CIA mwaka 1962 kipindi cha Vita baridi ili kupata sababu ya kuivamia kijeshi nchi ya cuba.
Lengo kuu la operation Hii ilkua kutengeneza mfulurizo wa matukio ya mashambulizi ya...
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨Majasusi wa CIA M16 SBU na GRU wamechomolewa kwenye kifusi baada ya Russia kulipua jengo lao kwa Hypersonic. Ambulance na Helicopter zimebeba maiti na majeruhi kuwakimbiza Poland
"Militarist": Today, as a result of a sudden strike, the buildings of the SBU and the GUR in Kiev, as...
Taarifa zilizovujishwa na waliokuwa maofisa wa ujasusi nchini Marekani kwa gazeti la Wall Street (WSJ) zimewaacha watu wakiduwaa. Inadaiwa kuwa, mtandao wa Shirika la Upelelezi la Marekani (CIA) nchini China, ambao ulivunjwa kwa utaratibu maalum na Shirika la Upelelezi la China muongo mmoja...
We would like you to be the first to know what the CIA is planning to do.
Ukraine has been comprehensively defeated in Ukraine, but its corrupt ridden regime under the Ukrainian oligarch wants to prolong the war indefinitely in order to continue amassing billions of dollars.
The problem with...
The Tanzania Intelligence and Security Service is the national intelligence and security agency of Tanzania. The Agency works closely with other National and International intelligence agencies and security organs in the promotion and maintenance of peace, safety and security in and outside...
During the 1980s, Nicaragua, one of the country located in central America , experienced a significant conflict known as the Nicaraguan Revolution.
The Samoza dictatorship which dominated Nicaragua from 1936 to 1979 was toppled by an insurrection led by the Sandinista , a socialist...
Labda unajua virusi vya AIDS, lakini huenda usifahamu nadharia kwamba sio virusi vinavyotokea kwa kawaida, lakini kuna ukweli kwamba imetengenezwa na mwanadamu na kusambazwa na CIA. Inaaminika sana na kukubaliwa kuwa VVU ilianzia Afrika, kwamba ilianza kama virusi vya tumbili au...
Miaka ya 1960 Shirikia la Ujasusi la Marekani lilikuww linapambana na Urusi katika vita baridi. Katika kipindi hiko Marekani ilianzisha program na miradi mbalimbali dhidi ya kupambana na Ujamaa ulioanza kuenea sehemu mbalimbali za Dunia.
Kule Langley, Virginia yalipo makao makuu ya CIA walikuwa...
Right Nyerere na Gadafi wangefufuka Leo wangempa nishani William Ruto kwa kuendeleza jitihada za kuikomboa Africa.
William Ruto ameendelea na speech zake za kuhimiza viongozi wenzake kuacha kutumia USD katika biashara za wao kwa wao na kuhimiza kutumia yu pale wanapofanya trade na USA.
Ni mwaka 1974 kulitarajiwa kuwa na pambano kubwa sana kati ya Muhammad Ali na George Foreman. Wakati huo, promota aliyekuwa akija kwa kasi, Don King alikuwa amekwishaandaa kila kitu kuhusu pambano hilo.
Kwa ajili ya msalahi yake, Don King alitaka mtu yeyote atakayejitolea kulidhamini pambano...
Mwezi wa pili wa mwaka 2023 ni mwezi ambao utaingia kwenye historia za Dunia ambapo idara nyeti ya usalama wa Taifa ikisaidiana na Pentagon walifanikisha safari nyeti ya Rais wa Taifa la Marekani na kuthibitishia ulimwengu kuwa wao sio wa viwango vya China au Urusi ila wao ni WA viwango vya juu...
Sunday, December 04, 2022
Snowden? He’s the man who revealed that the US government says it’s not a crime to spy on the American people, only a crime to expose that illegal and unconstitutional spying. Well, forty years ago, fake news and disinformation coming from the US government...
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